Well Driller (temporary provision and establishment)


Persons from EU Member States who intend to work as a well-driller must submit a written application and send it to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency

You will need this:

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency can authorize individuals to work as a well driller if they have completed training courses abroad which are comparable with the training courses specified in the Executive Order No 915 of 27 June 2016. The application can submitted by email or "Start"-button, and must contain following documents:

  • Proof of the applicants nationality and

  • Proof of the applicant’s professional qualifications in the form of:

    • Copy of diploma/certificate regarding completed training

    • Authorization of working as a well driller or welding of casing pipes, if the profession is regulated in that country, and

      • Evidence of any relevant professional experience or

      • Proof that the applicant has carried out well drilling on land, as described in §1, stk.1, or welding of casing pipes, on a fulltime basis, at least for 1 year within the last 10 years., if the profession or education is not regulated in the home member state.

If the documentation is not in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English, French or German, the translation of the documentation must be carried out or certified by a Danish state authorized translator, an embassy/consulate in Denmark for the country in which the original document was issued or a Danish consulate/embassy.

